September 2000

District Public Involvement Liaisons (PILs)

A tremendous amount of public involvement occurs at the grassroots level with the District Public Involvement Liaisons leading the charge. Even though many of them are new to these positions, there is abundant evidence that these folks are working hard to make sure that the public is informed and involved in the KDOT decision-making processes.

For instance, five of the six districts took part in public hearings for System Enhancement Applications that proposed local authorities taking over portions of the Kansas highway system. Also, this summer five of the six districts participated in a number of county fairs within their districts. Thousands of people stopped by the booths which displayed Comprehensive Transportation Program maps, local project maps, fact sheets about local projects, brochures explaining KDOT's project selection processes, and several promotional items. KDOT staff members from the districts, areas, and subareas were on hand to answer questions and address concerns from the public. In some instances, the public filled out formal comment cards about their questions and concerns, which were later answered and mailed to them.

The following section highlights some more of the district public involvement endeavors from October 1999 to October 2000. Please note that this only touches on the highlights of the external efforts. A tremendous amount of important internal Public Involvement efforts have also been implemented. However, for purposes of this report they have been omitted.

District One | District Two | District Three | District Four | District Five | District Six

Intro | PIA | HQ PILs | PILs | Other Efforts | Conclusion