September 2000
Northeastern Kansas (District One)
K-4 Work Group Meeting
(October 19, 1999)
A work group made up of stakeholders along the K-4 corridor met in Meriden to give input about the project and to help KDOT decide the best location for the highway. About 30 people attended.(October 19, 1999)
Kiwanis Club Meeting
(Topeka-October 21, 1999)
Presented information about the construction projects underway in the Topeka area to a group of 35 Kiwanis Club members.(Topeka-October 21, 1999)
US-59 Public Meeting
(Baldwin City-November 9, 1999)
At this meeting in Baldwin City, KDOT unveiled its recommendation for the new alignment of US-59. KDOT employees listened to the public's concerns, provided literature about KDOT's position, and encouraged all of the attendees to provide written comments. About 350 people attended the meeting.(Baldwin City-November 9, 1999)
Topeka Engineering Work Group
(November 17, 1999)
KDOT district staff met with the Topeka Engineering Work Group, a private club of approximately 30 retired engineers, to discuss the East Topeka Interchange and additional projects in the Topeka area. The employees answered questions and provided literature about upcoming projects.(November 17, 1999)
I-635 Public Meeting
(Wyandotte County-January 13, 2000)
District employees attended a public meeting in Wyandotte County to present KDOT's proposal for modifications to I-635 to the public. The employees handed out literature to about 75 individuals. Members of the public were encouraged to ask questions and write down their ideas and concerns.(Wyandotte County-January 13, 2000)
Osage City High "Driver Safety Day"
(June 15, 2000)
KDOT employees were on hand to pass out promotional items, speak to the students, and answer questions about driver safety in construction zones and during inclement weather. About 50 students attended the event.(June 15, 2000)
Intro | PIA | HQ PILs | PILs | Other Efforts | Conclusion