Access Management
Access Management Policy
Application and Permit Information
- Sample Access Permit and Information Sheet (Form 309 and Form 334)
Access Planning Instruments
- K-7 Corridor Management Plan (MI, JO, WY, & LV Co, 2007)
- K-7 Plan Text & Analysis
- Chapters, Appendices or Plates
- Appendix A - K-7 Mainline Plate Drawings - NOTE: Plates A-1 through A-14 are at a scale of one inch equals 1,200 feet.
- Plate A-1 -- 223rd St. to 207th St.
- Plate A-2 --199th St. to 183rd St.
- Plate A-3 --175th St. to 151st St.
- Plate A-4 -- 143rd St. (Dennis Ave.) to 127th St. (Harold St.)
- Plate A-5 -- 119th St. to K-10 Hwy.
- Plate A-6 -- 99th St. to 83rd St.
- Plate A-7 -- 83rd St. to Shawnee Mission Pkwy.
- Plate A-8 -- 71st St. to 47th St.
- Plate A-9 -- 43rd St. to Nettleton Ave.
- Plate A-10 -- Nettleton Ave. to US-24/40 (State Ave.)
- Plate A-11 -- Parallel Pkwy. to Leavenworth Rd.
- Plate A-12 -- Donahoo Rd. to Polfer/Fairmount Rd.
- Plate A-13 -- Marxen Rd. to Mary St.
- Plate A-14 -- Kansas St. to K-5 Hwy. (Muncie Rd.)
- Appendix B - Intersection Plate Drawings - NOTE: Plates B-1 through B-30 are at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet.
- Plate B-1 -- 223rd St.
- Plate B-2 -- 215th St. Overpass
- Plate B-3 -- 207th St.
- Plate B-4 -- Lone Elm Rd. Overpass
- Plate B-5 -- 199th St.
- Plate B-6 -- 191st St.
- Plate B-7 -- 183rd St.
- Plate B-8 -- 175th St.
- Plate B-9 -- 167th St.
- Plate B-10 -- Interstate 35
- Plate B-11 -- 151st St.
- Plate B-12 -- Old 56 Hwy & Dennis Ave.
- Plate B-13 -- Sheridan St.
- Plate B-14 -- West Elm St.
- Plate B-15 -- Santa Fe (135th St.)
- Plate B-16 -- 127th St. (Harold Ave.)
- Plate B-17 -- 119th St.
- Plate B-18 -- College Blvd.
- Plate B-19 -- K-10
- Plate B-20 -- 99th St. Overpass
- Plate B-21 -- Prairie Star Pkwy.
- Plate B-22 -- 83rd St.
- Plate B-23 -- 75th St.
- Plate B-24 -- 71st St. Overpass
- Plate B-25 -- Shawnee Mission Pkwy.
- Plate B-26 -- Clear Creek Pkwy. Overpass
- Plate B-27 -- Johnson Dr. (55th) - Interchange has been designed and built.
- Plate B-28 -- 47th St.
- Plate B-29 -- 43rd St.
- Plate B-30 -- K-32
- Plate B-31 -- Nettleton Ave.
- Plate B-32 -- Kansas Ave. - Under preliminary design.
- Plate B-33 -- Interstate 70 - Under construction.
- Plate B-34 -- 130th St. - Under preliminary design.
- Plate B-35 -- US-24/40 (State Ave)
- Plate B-36 -- Parallel Pkwy.
- Plate B-37 -- Leavenworth Rd.
- Plate B-38 -- Donahoo Rd.
- Plate B-39 -- Hollingsworth Rd.
- Plate B-40 -- Fairmount/Polfer Rd.
- Plate B-41 -- Marxen Rd. Overpass
- Plate B-42 -- McIntyre Rd.
- Appendix C - Work Order Summaries
- K-7 CM Plan Work Order Summaries
- Appendix D - Bike-Ped Analysis
- K-7 CM Plan Bike-Ped Analysis (2013)
- Appendix E - K-7 North Interim Strategies
- K-7 North Interim Strategies (2015)
- Appendix F - K-7 223rd Area Transportation Plan
- K-7 223rd Area Transportation Plan (2015)
- Appendix G - Original Plates
- K-7 CM Plan Original A Plates (2006)
- K-7 CM Plan Original B Plates (2006)
- K-68 Corridor Management Plan (MI Co, FR Co & Louisburg, 2009)
- Main Report
- Chapters, Appendices or Plates
- K-68 CM Plan plate 1 I-35 & Nebraska Terr
- K-68 CM Plan plate 2 Walmart Entrance & Nevada Terr
- K-68 CM Plan plate 3 Ohio Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 4 Oregon Rd - Tennessee Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 5 Greystone Dr - Oregon Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 6 Utah Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 7 Vermont Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 8 Virginia Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 9 Franklin - Miami Co Line
- K-68 CM Plan plate 10 Pleasant Valley Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 11 Pressonville Rd - Indianapolis Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 12 Bethel Church Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 13 Crescent Hill Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 14 Plum Creek - Overbrook - Waverly Rds
- K-68 CM Plan plate 15 Waverly Rd - Osawatomie Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 16 Lookout Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 17 Lonestar Rd - Cedar Niles Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 18 Harmony Rd - BNSFRR - Hospital Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 19 Old KC Rd - Hedge Ln - UPRR
- K-68 CM Plan plate 20 UPRR - US-169 & Victory Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 21 Woodland Rd - Block Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 22 Oak Grove Rd - Somerset Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 23 Somerset Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 24 Beaver Creek Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 25 New Lancaster Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 26 Flint - Spring Valley - Wonka
- K-68 CM Plan plate 27 Louisburg - West Segment
- K-68 CM Plan plate 28 Louisburg - Middle Segment
- K-68 CM Plan plate 29 Louisburg - East Segment
- K-68 CM Plan plate 30 Mission & Belleview Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 31 Cold Water Rd - Stateline Rd
- K-68 CM Plan plate 32 US-69 - 287th South of Louisburg
- K-68 CM Plan Typical Sections
- US-77 Corridor Management Plan (CL Co, Ark City & Winfield, 2008)
- Full Plan
- Main Report
- Chapters, Appendices or Plates
- US-77 CM Plan Appdx C Market Analysis
- US-77 CM Plan Full Buildout Plates Ark City
- US-77 CM Plan Full Buildout Plates Ark City to Winfield
- US-77 CM Plan Full Buildout Plates South of Ark City
- US-77 CM Plan Full Buildout Plates Winfield
- US-77 CM Plan Interim Plates Ark City
- US-77 CM Plan Interim Plates Ark City to Winfield
- US-77 CM Plan Interim Plates South of Ark City
- US-77 CM Plan Interim Plates Winfield
- US-77 - K-18 Corridor Management Plan (GE Co & Junction City, 2009)
- Full Plan
- Main Report
- Chapters, Appendices or Plates
- US-77 to K-18 CM Plan Appdx B Public Survey
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan K-18 Segmented Plates US-77 to DK Co Line
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan US-77 Segment 1 Plates River Rd to I-70
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan US-77 Segment 2 Plates West Ash to K-18
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan US-77 Segment 3 Plates K-18 to K-57
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan US-77 Segment 4 Plates K-57 to K-57
- US-77 - K-18 CM Plan US-77 Segment Plates K-57 to 12th & Shandy
Access Management Construction Project Program
KART-KDOT Standard Drawings, Bridge Design Manuals and Design Software
- KDOT Authentication & Resource Tracking (KART) The KDOT Standard Drawings, Bridge Design Manuals, Design Software and other forms can now be downloaded with no fee. For help or information regarding the KDOT Authentication & Resource Tracking (KART), please contact:
KART Administrator: 785-368-7176
Electronic Plan Submittals