Highway Contractors Help Terms



KDOT establishes projects/contracts for construction work to improve  the KDOT highway system. KDOT has a Construction  Bid Letting Schedule set for projects that are currently available  for bidding by contractors. A contractor who intends to submit a  bidding proposal shall complete and deliver "Contractor's  Qualification Statement and Experience Questionnaire" to the Director of Operations at least fourteen (14) days prior  to the intended bid letting date to become prequalified as a  prime contractor in an upcoming letting.  Contractors wanting to bid as a prime contractor shall request to be placed on the  "Bid Holders List" no later than the close of business on the  Monday preceding the scheduled Letting Date.  This request is  necessary to obtain KDOT's approval to bid as a prime contractor. Subcontractors, suppliers, and other interested entities may also request to be placed on the "Non-Bid Holders List".   The listing below shows pre-letting, post-letting and general  contractor information.

Bid Holders List

List of Contractors that have KDOT's approval to bid as a prime contractor  (must be Pre-qualified by the Director of Operations). Updated as needed.

Non-Bid Holders List

This List informs prime contractors of suppliers and subcontractors that  indicate their interest in the project.  It may not be all inclusive.  Updated as needed.

Addendums to Plans and Proposals

When a change or clarification is necessary for a project, KDOT will email an  addendum only to the prime contractors who are on the Bid Holders List and post the same addendum along with all its attachments on the Proposal Information page. Prime contractors must follow the instructions listed on the addendum. Updated as needed.

Summary of Quantities

List of the current month's projects including line item quantities, working days or calendar completion date and DBE goals.  Updated as needed.

Monthly Bid Letting Report

A list of projects tentatively scheduled to be let within the next five years. The report provides information to contractors, utility companies, the public, and others regarding KDOT's potential future work efforts. Updated monthly.

As Read Bidders List

A list of the bids as they were read at the public opening.  Updated within 24 hours of the opening of the bids.

Bid Tabs

Reports of awarded projects; current year and historical years. Updated as needed after award of the letting.

Pre-Qualified Contractors List

Name, address and other pertinent information for each Pre-Qualified Contractor. Updated as needed.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

Provides the link to the KDOT's Office of Civil Rights.  This is where the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) program, Contract Compliance - EEO and other data is posted. Updated as needed.