News and Announcements
News Releases - 2006
Discover Kansas with new state transportation map
Kansas City Scout traffic management system earns national award
K-15 Sinkhole near Mulvane to Be Fed
Safe Routes to Schools projects to receive funding
KDOT Public Involvement Plan Available for Review
Transportation program to be completed as planned
Completing The CTP: Remaining Projects 2007-09
Merrill Eisenhower Atwater to join in celebrating 50th anniversary of Interstate
Kansas to join in celebrating 50th anniversary of Interstate
Travel Information: Where Safe Summer Travel Starts
KDOT Selects FY 2008 Transportation Enhancement Projects
Statewide task force wants to hear from Salina area citizens
Caution urged in highway cleanup efforts
KDOT announces City Connecting Link resurfacing projects
Training improves efficiency for counties, KDOT
KDOT announces projects selected to receive funding for airport improvements
KDOT announces selection of 24 Local Partnership Program projects
Environmental program earns KDOT, state partner's national recognition