Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Approval
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why do I need my EEO policy on file with KDOT?
All contractors and subcontractors working on a KDOT project must submit their company’s EEO policy to this office for approval before they can go to work on a KDOT project. Once the policy is approved you will receive an approval letter.
What does an EEO policy require?
Each contractor is responsible for submitting their company's EEO policy on their company letterhead, a letter of appointment of the company's EEO officer, and the DOT 1049 CFR Form.
Why is an Affirmative Action Plan Necessary?
An Affirmative Action Plan identifies a road map of strategies and actions your company will follow to reach EEO Policy goals.
An effective plan demonstrates companywide [led by management] commitment in affirming positive actions that help the company diversify its workforce and meet EEO goals.
The plan will incorporate how you will track these actions via logs, journals, meeting minutes, dates and participants.
An effective plan becomes a regular and routine part of company operations and is key for favorable compliance.