The Construction Operations Staff coordinates the preparation of the project estimates, plans and proposals for construction projects being let by KDOT and reviews the bids received and makes recommendations for the award of contracts.
The Construction Administration Staff manages the contracts from award of the contracts to final acceptance including contractor payments and contract modifications in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions.
The Field Construction Engineer reviews construction projects to determine compliance with Standard Specifications, Special Provisions and construction practices.
CMS - Construction Management System
Information for Highway Contractors
Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction
Contract Bid Tabs for Awarded Vendors for 10 Years
The Materials Operations Staff administers the Quality Control and Assurance Program to promote compliance with Standard Specifications and Special Provisions along with administering the Outside Inspection Program.
The Kansas City and Wichita Regional Inspection Laboratories provide plant inspection of fabricated structural steel and aluminum, pre-stressed concrete beams and slabs, concrete boxes and pipes, epoxy coated reinforcing steel, and cast metal items, etc. used in construction and maintenance projects. As a part of the plant prequalifications, they visit and observe testing being performed by the quality control departments of reinforcing steel mills and wood treating companies.
The Materials Test Unit tests and analyzes material samples from road and bridge projects as well as evaluate samples of materials to be used on future projects to determine compliance with Materials Standard Specifications and Special Provisions. They also review procedures and inspect equipment to be used by district or privately owned laboratories and recommend modifications to existing procedures when appropriate.
The Pavement Management Section administers and coordinates the Pavement Management System (PMS) and produces decision support information for KDOT's Substantial Maintenance Program and maintains supporting Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) data.
Pavement Management System Reports and Information
Research Procedures and Information
Phone: 785-296-3576
Fax: 785-368-6240
Jason Van Nice, Bureau Chief
Lanny Campbell, Systems Manager
Shane Houser, Letting Engineer
Heather Hall, Attorney - Contractor Claims
Steve Rose, Field Construction Engineer
David Weirich, CMS Administrator
Lora Kowach, Specification Engineer
Rick Barezinsky, Assistant Bureau Chief - Materials
Blair Heptig, Field Engineer
Joshua Lesser, CMS Materials Coordinator
Susan Barker, Structural Materials Engineer
Rick Miller, Pavement Management Engineer
Chris Leibrock, Assistant Bureau Chief - Materials Testing