Intersections Home Page
Each point GIS feature represents the intersection of two or more at-grade roads or ramps where at least one of them is part of the State Highway System.
- • These features were not collected or extracted for intersections that are classified as interchanges/ramps according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Model Inventory Roadway Elements (MIRE). Functionally speaking, this means that features will not exist for many of the state’s largest intersections where more than one access-controlled roads intersect (e.g. cloverleaf and similar exchanges).
- • The dashboard displays a pie chart for “Traffic Control by Intersection”. Please note that the value of “unclassified” shown on that chart represents the features assigned the value of “Other” in the layer’s attributes, which probably should have been labeled as “unclassified”. The value of “other” shown in that chart represents the very few (81) features that were assigned values of “all-way stop”, “yield sign”, “pedestrian hybrid beacon” or “flash beacon”.
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