The Bureau of Right of Way would like to welcome you.

The Bureau's primary responsibilities are to acquire property interests needed for projects, to dispose of property no longer needed for highway purposes, and to administer the Highway Beautification Program. The Bureau provides assistance to the Office of Chief Counsel in condemnation actions and in litigation involving the Beautification regulatory program.

The Bureau of Right of Way consists of eight sections:

Bureau Org. Chart 2024

The Engineering, RID, Environmental and Surveys Sections all report to the Bureau Chief. The Appraisal, Acquisition, Beautification and Relocation Sections report to the Bureau Chief through the Operations Assistant.

The primary functions of the Bureau of Right of Way are to:

Process payment vouchers to landowners for right-of-way property payment

Maintain project and tract files for documentation purposes

Verify that documentation supporting payments are on file prior to processing vouchers for payment

Auction land and improvements, let demolition contracts, and rent property when appropriate

Kansas Department of Transportation
Bureau of Right of Way
Eisenhower State Office Building - 14th Floor
700 SW Harrison St
Topeka, KS 66603-3745
Toll Free: 1-877-461-6817
Hearing Impaired: 711