Special Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)

STEP represents a KDOT-sponsored public education and enforcement partnership with local and state police agencies aimed at increasing travelers’ compliance with Kansas occupant restraint and impaired driving laws. Enforcement is accomplished through four annual campaigns--also called mobilizations or enforcements--consisting of an agency’s choice of saturation patrols and/or checkpoints or special action activities. Each campaign has a principal focus--DUI, occupant restraint, or both--and each goes after speeders and texters, as well. The campaigns are linked to Thanksgiving, New Year's Eve, Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Impaired Driving Deterrence Program (IDDP)

IDDP awards reimbursement grants to municipalities and counties to increase the number of enforcement and education efforts directed at compliance with Kansas’ impaired driving laws. Enforcement is accomplished through six to nine overtime enforcement activities consisting of saturation patrols and check lanes.

Night-time Seatbelt Enforcement Program (NSEP)

NSEP awards reimbursement grants to municipalities and counties to increase the number of enforcement and education efforts directed at compliance with Kansas’ occupant restraint laws. Since the majority of unrestrained motor vehicle occupant deaths occur during the evening and late night hours, this program provides dedicated night-time seatbelt enforcement in, primarily, urban settings. Enforcement is accomplished through six to nine overtime enforcement activities consisting of spotter callout and saturation patrols.