State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

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In accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements, KDOT annually develops a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The KDOT STIP details a comprehensive plan that outlines transportation projects scheduled for the next four federal fiscal years (October to September).

About the STIP

In accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements, KDOT annually develops a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP provides a list of projects, regardless of funding source that are administered by KDOT and that will have funds obligated within the next four federal fiscal years (a federal fiscal year is from October to September). The STIP program is guided by the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program also known as IKE, the requirements of the federal transportation acts, the goals, and objectives within the 2020-2045 Kansas Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the infrastructure assessment from the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP).

Together, the 2020-2045 LRTP and TAMP assist KDOT in their management decisions from project selection evaluations to project design and implementation. The LRTP and TAMP provide the foundation for KDOT’s day-to-day decision-making processes, and are embodied by IKE and the projects found within the current STIP. In turn, the execution of the projects listed in the STIP moves KDOT towards achievement of the performance measures identified in both the 2020-2045 LRTP and the TAMP.  

The STIP is divided into two general sections: the appendices and the narrative.  The appendices provide project specific information.

Appendix A is an index of all KDOT administered projects anticipated to obligate in one or more work phases, regardless of funding source within the four federal fiscal year period of the current STIP. Projects in Metropolitan Planning Organization areas (MPOs) are not listed in Appendix A. Rather KDOT elects to include projects in MPO areas by reference of each MPO TIP. (MPO TIPS are a list of projects to be accomplished in the MPO area). Links to the six MPOs in Kansas are listed below.

Appendix B, is a Summary Report by federal fiscal year and work phase of the projects listed in Appendix A. The summary provides the estimated obligation by work phase and year.

Appendix C is an index of projects including those in MPO areas that are being advance constructed. (Advance construction is a mechanism that reserves right of the state to use future federal obligation on a project while initiating work with state funds). The index provides the estimated advance construction conversion date(s) and the estimated conversion amount(s) for each project and each conversion.

The narrative section of the STIP briefly describes KDOT’s public involvement process, project selection criteria, program financing (including the fiscal constraint for the years of the STIP) and public transit program. Additionally, within the STIP narrative are brief descriptions of programs administered by entities other than KDOT. These programs are the Federal Lands and Tribal Transportation programs administered by the Office of Federal Lands Highway and the Bureau of Indian Affairs; Recreational Trails, a program administered by the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks; and the Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) administered by each of the MPOs for the six urbanized areas of Kansas.

A draft STIP document is published on this website and a notice is placed in the Kansas Register along with a new notice each year in August providing the public and transportation stakeholders an opportunity to comment. (A more detailed description of public involvement opportunities is available in KDOT's public participation document "Sharing the Future- Public Involvement in the Kansas Transportation System"). At the conclusion of a 30-day public comment period and with FHWA & FTA approval, the approved STIP is published on this site for viewing.  Changes throughout the year to the projects in the STIP document are handled through an amendment or administrative change process. Information on the procedure for this process can be found in the "Revision Procedures for Amendments and Administrative Change Modifications to the STIP".  

When a STIP document is updated throughout the year, a notice is placed in the Kansas Register and the list of proposed projects to be amended to the STIP is displayed on the current STIP page in the Draft STIP Amendments Out for Public Comment section and on this page above the link to the current STIP. At the conclusion of a 14-day comment period the draft amendment is submitted to FHWA and FTA for approval. Once approved the draft document is removed from this page and the approved amendment is published on the current STIP page in the Approved Regular Amendments or Approved Special Amendments sections as applicable.

To receive a print copy of the current STIP or to comment on the contents of the current STIP, amendments or other STIP information provided on these pages, please contact the Kansas Department of Transportation, Division of Program & Project Management, 2nd Floor Tower Eisenhower State Office Building, 700 Southwest Harrison Street, Topeka, Kansas 66603; (785) 296-2252; FAX (785) 296-8168.

In addition to the current STIP document and its amendments, prior approved STIP documents and amendments may be viewed on this site at the Prior FFY STIP Archive.

To receive a print copy of the current STIP or to comment on the contents of the current STIP, amendments or other STIP information provided on these pages, please contact:

Facility NameAddressPhone
District 1 - HQ Office121 SW 21st Street
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-3881
District 2 - HQ Office1006 N. Third St.
Salina, KS 67401
(785) 823-3754
District 3 - HQ Office312 S. Second / P.O. Box 350
Norton, KS 67654
(785) 877-3315
District 4 - HQ Office411 W. 14th
Chanute, KS 66720
(620) 902-6400
District 5 - HQ Office500 N. Hendricks
Hutchinson, KS 67501
(620) 663-3361
District 6 - HQ Office121 N. Campus Dr.
Garden City, KS 67846
(620) 765-7074
Division of Program & Project ManagementEisenhower State Office Building 700 Southwest Harrison Street
Topeka, KS 66603-3745
(785) 296-2252
For more information about Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) for urbanized areas, please contact the following:
Facility NameAddress
Flint Hills Metropolitan Planning Organization206 Southwind Place Suite 2B
Manhattan, KS 66503
Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization1 Riverfront Plaza Suite 320
Lawrence, KS 66044
Metropolitan Topeka Planning Organization620 South East Madison
Topeka, KS 66607
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)600 Broadway Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105-1659
St. Joseph Area Transportation Study Organization1100 Frederick Avenue Room 202
St. Joseph, MO 64501
Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO)271 W 3rd Street Suite 208
Wichita, KS 67202